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The San Francisco Foundation offers funding for special projects, mini-grant programs, and initiatives

The San Francisco Foundation may issue Requests for Proposals (RFPs) or invite proposals at different times of the year. Their grantmaking efforts are narrowly tailored to address a particular issue or geographic area. RFPs are released and publicized periodically through their website and through targeted communications. They encourage all interested organizations to visit theri Program Area pages periodically for RFP notices.


The organization also welcomes unsolicited applications once a year during their Open Application Cycle. In 2014, they are dedicating Open Application funding to grantees who were awarded grants in last year’s 2013 Open Application Grant Cycle. The next Open Application Cycle, open to both new and existing grantees, will be in 2015.

To read more about their programs and funding, please go here to the Grantseeker FAQ page and learn more about applying for a grant with the San Francisco Foundation.